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Environmental Management and Performance

Environmental Management Framework

Environmental Management Policy

SK D&D is establishing an environmental management system (EMS) aimed at reducing potential negative environmental impacts arising from its business activities, with a focus on expanding sustainable real estate and green buildings. We have established and disclosed an environmental management policy that aligns with our commitment and business direction to create a sustainable future where people, society, and the environment coexist harmoniously. Our environmental management policy applies to all business sites, including the headquarters and subsidiaries, and is reviewed and approved by the CEO, the highest authority in environmental management, during its formulation and revision.

SK D&D has developed and implements an environmental management system (EMS) manual and has completed achieving environmental management system certification (ISO 14001) for all operating sites that comprise headquarter and energy-related operations. Moving forward, we will continue to internally monitor environmental compliance and performance based on ISO 14001 standard requirements and environmental regulations. Through post-management audits conducted by certification bodies, we aim to ensure the appropriateness of our environmental management system operations and promote systematic environmental management.

Environmental Management Organization

SK D&D has created an environmental management organization based on the active participation of the CEO and the Board of Directors to effectively implement group-wide environmental management. As the senior environmental management executive, the CEO is responsible for expressing commitment to environmental management, approving revisions to environmental policy, and overseeing environmental management performance, thereby supporting and supervising the company’s environmental management system. The Board of Directors, through the ESG Committee, annually reviews our environmental management plans, strategies, and implementation performance, and monitors the effectiveness of corrective actions to mitigate environmental risks.

The ESG Part, the dedicated environmental management department, regularly conducts environmental regulation monitoring and environmental impact assessments to revise environmental management policies and strategies. Additionally, it sets environmental strategies and targets based on the environmental information of each business site, establishes implementation plans and improvement tasks to achieve these targets, and executes them in collaboration with related departments. Furthermore, to internalize environmental management, the ESG Part promotes trainings to raise environmental management awareness among employees, aiming to minimize the occurrence of environmental risks. Key environmental management issues, risks, and performance derived from these activities are regularly reported to the ESG Committee, supporting the decision-making of the BOD.

Environmental Management Performance

Environmental Management Performance Management

SK D&D assigns environmental performance-related KPIs to the CEO, executives, and each business unit manager to internalize environmental management, linking performance levels of these KPIs with compensation and incentives to improve their environmental management performance. Additionally, annual environmental management KPIs are established and implemented in alignment with group-wide goals and activities. In 2023, environmental management KPIs were set to achieve goals such as ‘implementing RE100’, ‘developing ESG building solutions’, and ‘enhancing eco-friendly power generation’, all of which were successfully achieved.

To advance our environmental management, we identify and implement initiatives across all business areas to improve environmental performance. This includes obtaining eco-friendly certifications, installing energy-efficient facilities in real estate development or conducting environmental activities in the real estate operation phase. As of April 2024, SK D&D holds a total of 36 third-party eco-friendly certifications, and aims to obtain green building certifications for all residential and commercial buildings annually.

CEO/Executives KPIs – Environmental Management Performance

The CEO's ESG KPIs related to the environment include the task of implementing RE100 to achieve net zero emissions. The KPIs of the Head of Frontier division, who oversees real estate development, include the task of developing ESG building solutions (Green story) that incorporate eco-friendly elements into real estate development.

2023 Environmental Management KPIs Achievement (Target/Achievement)

CategoryAchievement Rate (%)2023
RE100 Implementation100HQs and subsidiaries transitioning to RE100Achieved RE100 in HQs and subsidiariesRE100 implementation through utilizing REC
Establishment of ESG Building Solution100Developing specialized ESG solutionCompleted Phase 1 developmentContinuously implementing qualitative evaluations in 2024
Strengthening Eco-friendly Power Generation Business108260MW280MWEnergy solution division (current: SK eternix)

Third-Party Eco-Friendly Certifications

Green Building Certification (G-SEED)Cases16
Building Energy Efficiency Rating CertificationCases19
  • *Including certifications obtained in the first half of 2024

Waste Management

SK D&D rigorously manage wastes generation not only at its headquarters but also throughout all stages from space development to operations, aiming to prevent resource waste and environmental pollution associated with real estate activities.

Waste generated at the headquarters is managed according to an internal waste management system, while operational site waste is lawfully disposed of and processed through external O&M contractors. Additionally, to encourage employee participation in waste reduction, we operate a paperless office, mandate the use of personal mugs and tumblers to reduce disposable items, and implement waste reduction campaigns.

At construction sites, we make efforts to minimize waste generation and promote strict separation and disposal of construction waste through collaboration with business partners. Furthermore, to improve waste disposal facilities at Episode building, we have analyzed the issues with existing recycling and food waste disposal areas. Based on this analysis, we are currently conducting internal renewal activities for the waste disposal areas, including improving signage readability, providing recycling guidelines, separating disposal zones, and installing new hardware. We plan to progressively expand these environmental improvement initiatives for Episode waste disposal facilities across all sites and implement waste reduction campaigns to support proper waste management and recycling by residents.

Renewal Activities for Waste Disposal Areas in Episode

SK D&D Waste Generation*

Waste generatedGeneral wasteton6.36.78.6
Designated wasteton2.11.63.3
Total waste generation***ton8.38.311.9
Waste intensity****ton/KRW 10 billion0.100.170.29
Waste recycledRecycled amountton3.54.25.2
Recycling rate*****%42.250.443.5
  • *Waste generation data management sites: Headquarters, Gasiri Wind Power Plant
  • **Due to changes in the scope of waste discharge data management since 2023, the past two years (2021/2022) have been recalculated, resulting in numerical fluctuations (Until 2022, waste data generated from Episode facilities was included in the calculation)
  • ***Total waste generation data may differ from the sum of general waste and designated waste due to rounding for significant figures
  • ****Waste intensity: Total waste generation ÷ Annual revenue (separate) for the respective year
  • *****Recycling rate: (Recycled amount ÷ Total waste generation) x 100, Trivial errors may occur due to rounding

Subsidiaries (DDI, DDPS) Waste Generation*

Waste generatedGeneral wasteton0.80.718.07.618.07.7
Designated waste**ton------
Total waste generationton0.80.718.07.618.07.7
Waste recycledRecycled amountton0010.3010.30
Recycling rate***%0057.1057.10
  • *Waste generation data management sites: DDI – headquarters / DDPS – headquarters & D&D gallery
  • **DDI and DDPS do not generate or discharge any designated waste
  • ***Recycling rate: (Recycled amount ÷ Total waste generation) x 100, Trivial errors may occur due to rounding

Water Management

SK D&D has established and operates a water consumption reduction and management system at its headquarters to enhance water resource efficiency. The Eco-hub building, our headquarter, collects rainwater and groundwater from rooftops and ground for reusing it as reclaimed or landscaping water. We also reduce potable water consumption by using water-saving sanitary appliances certified with eco-label certification. Furthermore, when advancing real estate development projects, we strive to meet water consumption standards by introducing rainwater management systems to utilize rainwater and runoff groundwater, and using water-saving devices.

SK D&D Water Withdrawal/Consumption*

Water withdrawal**Potable waterton11,674.912,195.312,394.7
Total water withdrawal***ton12,224.412,767.413,013.9
Water consumptionton12,224.412,767.413,013.9
Water intensity****ton/KRW 10 billion154.10254.21321.54
Water reduction/reuse rate*****%4.494.484.76
  • *SK D&D manages water withdrawal and consumption at its headquarters and business sites
  • **SK D&D does not withdraw water from sources other than potable water and rainwater, and total water withdrawal and water consumption are same
  • ***Total water withdrawal data may differ from the sum of potable water and rainwater withdrawal due to rounding for significant figures
  • ****Water intensity: Total water consumption ÷ Annual revenue (separate) for the respective year
  • *****Water reduction/reuse rate: (Rainwater consumption ÷ Total water withdrawal) x 100

Subsidiaries (DDI, DDPS) Water Withdrawal/Consumption*

Water withdrawalPotable waterton259.0410.01,436.0382.71,436.0522.0
Total water withdrawal **ton259.0410.01,436.0382.71,436.0522.0
Water consumptionton259.0410.01,436.0382.71,436.0522.0
  • *DDI and DDPS manage water withdrawal and consumption at each headquarters and business sites
  • **DDI and DDPS do not withdraw water from sources other than potable water

Biodiversity Conservation

SK D&D conducts pre-construction environmental impact assessments when carrying out real estate development projects to proactively identify environmental impacts caused by development activities, and implements measures that exceed legal requirements to protect local community ecosystems. By identifying environmental impact factors and implementing mitigation measures to minimize adverse effects, we aim to reduce ecosystem disruption and safeguard nationally protected species and local wildlife. Furthermore, based on the results of environmental impact assessments, we promote initiatives such as creating green belts and ecological corridors near project sites to conserve ecosystems. Even after completion of construction, we are committed to implementing mid- to long-term improvement projects and monitoring post-construction impacts even after construction completed.

Process to Establish Biodiversity Protection Plan

Environmental Management Activities

Monitoring Compliance with Environmental Laws

SK D&D has prioritized environmental management as one of its corporate challenges and selected key initiatives to practice, aiming to respond to the global climate change crisis and provide sustainable spaces to customers. We are enhancing our environmental management system without any violations of laws, by integrating compliance with environmental laws and regulations, and regularly monitoring environmental compliance levels to minimize environmental impacts throughout the building development process

SK D&D identifies and manages the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to environmental management tasks under the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001). These identified legal and compliance obligations are periodically reviewed, at least annually, and internally communicated through appropriate methods such as training to ensure understanding and compliance among relevant employees.

Compliance with Environmental Laws/Regulations

No. of violations of environmental laws/regulationsCases000
Penalties imposed due to violations of environmental laws/regulationsKRW 1 million000

Environmental Investments and Trainings

SK D&D is directly and indirectly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption through environmental investments aimed at achieving net-zero and enhancing the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) ecosystem of Episode. Additionally, we conduct regular environmental training for all employees to reinforce the environmental management capabilities and drive force by improving employees' environmental knowledge and skills. Through the mySUNI training platform, we offer environmental education with various contents such as net-zero, hydrogen, circular economy, and renewable energy generation. In 2023, our employees participated in a total of 72 environmental education programs, enhancing understanding of climate change and environmental issues and raising awareness of environmental conservation as responsible members of society.

2023 Environmental Investment

RE100 ImplementationKRW 1 million178
Environmental improvements (enhancing recycling environment of each Episode site, etc.)KRW 1 million33
TotalKRW 1 million211

2023 Environmental Training Performance*

Total training hoursHours242
Training hours per personHours/Persons0.9
  • *Total training Hours include those of the mySUNI training course

Environmental Training Curriculum