Convocation and Operation of a General Meeting
SK D&D schedules its shareholder meetings for itself and its major affiliates in a staggered manner to promote shareholder participation, ensuring that the meeting dates do not overlap. In addition, to allow voting rights to be exercised in various ways, SK D&D has adopted an electronic voting system since the 17th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Shareholders in 2021, and allows proxy voting as stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation.
The AGM is announced on the website two weeks prior to the meeting, and detailed information related to the agenda of the meeting is disclosed so that shareholders can review the agenda in advance. For important agenda items such as the appointment of executives and changes to the Articles of Incorporation, we separate the agenda for each executive or article and disclose the details of each agenda item beforehand. Notably, when the agenda includes the appointment of executives such as independent directors and audit committee members, we strive to ensure the decision-making rights of shareholders and secure transparency in the appointment of directors by disclosing the candidates' major experiences and the reasons for recommendation in detail.