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Our ESG Approach

Risk Management

Risk Management Framework

Risk Management System

SK D&D systematically manages both financial and non-financial risks that may arise throughout its corporate operations to achieve sustainable growth. We have established departmental oversight and decision-making structures to continuously monitor these risks. Notably, non-financial risks related to ESG management, such as environmental and social issues, are reviewed through the ESG Committee. We are actively striving to strategically manage and respond to risks stemming from changes in our internal and external environments, including business sectors, market conditions, and stakeholders.

Risk Management System

Risk Management Organization

The Board of Directors makes decisions on investigations and response strategies based on risk management outcomes and through the ESG Committee under the Board, identifies and analyzes risks arising from corporate operations. Each operational department identifies and mitigates actual and potential risks linked to their functions for strategic risk management and response planning, regularly reporting to the Board and the relevant Committees.

The Legal Affairs Part, serving as the compliance oversight and support organization, manages legal risks associated with corporate projects in investment, development, and execution, reporting major group-wide risks and response strategies to the Board as the Board's secretariat.

The Planning Management Part, responsible for corporate management strategy planning and implementation, has established an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system to manage risks in each project and business execution process based on collaborative workflows with project departments. Additionally, it conducts annual surveys on fair transaction practices with business partners including subcontracting, to manage practical and potential risks for mutual growth.

The Internal Control Part manages financial and non-financial risks within the internal accounting system based on consolidated standards, while also addressing corporate ethics and corruption-related risks through various initiatives to raise employee awareness. As a support organization for the Audit Committee, it performs practical audit tasks, and periodically reports the annual audit plans and results to the Committee.

The Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) Part, operating under the Chief Safety Officer (CSO), manages related risks according to project management and emergency response guidelines. The SHE Part prepares annual safety and health plans, and reports outcomes such as site inspection results and progress on implementing improvements initiatives to the Board.

The ESG Part annually identifies ESG risks and best practices, collaborating with relevant departments to implement improvement tasks for each risk. In addition, it regularly reports the performance of ESG improvement plans, including the progress and results for the respective year, to the ESG Committee.

Risk Management Reporting Structure

Risk Management Activities

Sector-specific Risk Management

Investment Risk Management

SK D&D has adopted a process to comprehensively review ESG risks and opportunities when making investments, aiming to minimize potential ESG risks across the entire value chain and establish a sustainable supply network. To mitigate anticipated ESG risks during business operations and reduce negative external impacts, we follow an 'ESG Risk Review Process' when identifying investment targets or new projects. This involves assessing potential ESG risks in advance and formulating mitigation plans. Subsequently, at the working-level organization, Working Group Meeting evaluates the severity and impact of financial risks (costs, procurement, etc.), legal risks, and ESG risks associated with actual investments, discussing necessary actions and improvement strategies.

For investment decisions, the Space Strategy Committee, attended by the CEO, convenes to share and analyze outcomes of investment reviews in working-level. The Committee considers anticipated profitability and long-term sustainability, and comprehensively reviews plans to mitigate and address potential ESG risks associated with investment targets. Depending on the scale and scope of projects, final decisions are subject to the Board of Directors' review and approval as necessary.

Investment Risk Management Process

Risk Management in Real Estate

SK D&D analyzes the results of its annual double materiality assessment to identify sustainability issues for the company. We assess the impacts, risks, and opportunities of business activities based on various risk types including policies/legal, market, reputation, and products/services. SK D&D formulates and implements response directions and strategies to minimize the scale and impact of potential risks during operations while maximizing opportunities. Additionally, the ESG Committee under the Board of Directors actively participates in identifying ESG issues and reviewing response directions for each issue to effectively manage potential and actual risks.

Impacts, Risks and Opportunities (R&O) of Real Estate Development and Operation

CategoryImpact on businessROResponse Directions
Policies and legal
  • Strengthening the response to climate change, ESG best practices and disclosure standards
  • Need to meet the requirements according to the green classification system standard
  • Annual disclosure of climate change response status through the publication of a sustainability report
  • Development, investment, and operation of buildings and spaces reflecting social change and sustainability
  • Increased development costs due to new materials and facilities in line with the spread of eco-friendly buildings
  • Increased brand value of real estate products by meeting market requiements
  • Application of environmentally and economically sustainable technologies through continued research on eco-friendly buildings
  • Securing status as an irreplaceable developer by actively fulfilling certification obligations such as green building certification
  • Decline in corporate reputation due to non-compliance with disclosure of eco-friendliness information and climate change response activities
  • Participating in global initiatives such as SBTi and TCFD to actively respond to climate change
Products and Services
  • Increased real estate product value through the development of eco-friendly, zero-energy buildings
  • Providing safe products and services as a preemptive response to climate change-related disasters
  • Raising internal real estate development standards through application of various eco-friendly technologies and design
  • Preemptive response to climate change risks, such as conducting environmental impact assessments and strengthening safety to prevent damage from natural disasters

Response to Disasters and Serious Incidents

SK D&D operates an emergency response system to effectively manage disasters and emergencies, such as serious incidents and natural disasters. For major buildings managed by D&D Property Solutions (DDPS), a subsidiary of SK D&D, we have established and implemented a comprehensive response manual covering the composition of our disaster response organization and division of roles, which is reviewed and improved annually. As extreme weather events and natural disasters become more frequent due to climate change, we operate a proactive monitoring and response system to systematically minimize damage to our assets. In emergencies, we apply response methods based on crisis-specific risk levels to prevent further damage and promote rapid recovery.

Key Contents of Emergency Response Guidelines

StageUnexpected eventsWork standardsResponses
  • Prediction of possibility of disaster by entering an indirect impact area of natural disaster
  • Work as usual
  • Weather situation monitoring by SHE part / HQ support part
  • Occurrence of injuries threatening life in the workplace
  • Issuance of national alert by entering a sphere of direct influence
  • Operation of hot channel at Emergency Situation Room
  • Confirmation of cooperation system with related institutions
  • Preparation of damage recovery equipment and securing necessary materials
  • Suspension of construction in areas expected to suffer damage
  • Occurrence of serious crisis
  • Direct loss of more than KRW 10 million at business sites due to fire, collapse, and other causes
  • Operation of Emergency Situation Room
  • Formation of emergency work team and implementation of emergency work
  • Operation of cooperation system with related institutions
  • Declaration of emergency and operation of emergency response procedures
  • Crisis response and disaster prevention activities
  • Identification of damage status and establishment of damage restoration measures