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Safety and Health Management

Safety and Health Management Framework

Safety and Health Management Policy

SK D&D prioritizes people and the environment as its top values and operates a safety and health management system to achieve zero serious accidents. We have obtained ISO 45001 certification at our eco-friendly energy development and sales facilities, covering 50% of all our sites which include headquarters and energy-related operations. Additionally, we have established a group-wide Safety and Health Management Policy, a Safety and Health Management Manual, and emergency response guidelines to be implemented and practiced. Through these measures, we aim to create a safe and healthy environment for all stakeholders, including headquarters, workplaces, subsidiaries, and those involved in real estate development and operations. Our safety and health management policies apply not only to our employees but also to all types of workers involved in our operations, including contractors and subcontractors.

Safety and Health Management Policy

SK D&D has adopted the virtuous cycle system of “Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)” to effectively implement the safety and health management system, and is continuously monitoring and improving its performance. Furthermore, if revisions to the safety and health management policy are needed to address changes in occupational safety and health regulations or to implement improvements, such revisions undergo review and approval by the Chief Safety Officer (CSO).

Virtuous Cycle System of Plan-Do-Check-Act

Occupational Safety and Health Management Manual

SK D&D has developed a Safety and Health Management Manual to prevent workplace industrial accidents by defining standards and procedures for safety and health management, in accordance with the Serious Accidents Punishment Act and the Industrial Safety and Health Act. This manual includes safety and health policies, management systems, risk assessments, and evaluation criteria of safety and health competence and qualifications for contractors. It applies to all business headquarters and workplaces, including business partners and stakeholders with access to the premises. We strive to prevent industrial accidents and ensure worker safety by understanding applicable laws and standards at our headquarters and business sites and operating their safety and health management system smoothly according to established principles and procedures.

Key Concepts of Safety and Health Management Manual

Safety and Health Management Targets

SK D&D has established an annual safety and health target roadmap to achieve zero serious accidents while advancing to a leading level in safety and health management within the industry. We conduct various programs and activities to achieve these specific targets. Additionally, to foster engagement in safety and health management among all employees, we have formulated behavioral principles tailored to each position, which are mandatory for practice. In 2023, we expanded on-site safety inspections and training to enhance safety and health management for employees and contractors, and supported our subsidiaries in developing SHE management systems. Moving forward, we remain committed to establishing a top-tier safety culture and enhancing our SHE management capabilities.

Yearly Roadmap for SHE Management
SHE Behavioral Principles by Position

Safety and Health Organization

SK D&D operates a safety and health management system focused on executive accountability. We have appointed a Chief Safety Officer (CSO) entrusted by the Board of Directors with the responsibility and authority to establish safety and health strategies and targets, and oversee their performance management. In addition, we have established a group-wide organization dedicated to safety and health (SHE Part) to implement enhanced safety and health management practices. The SHE Part annually reports safety and health plans and performance to the BOD and holds monthly SHE meetings at the headquarters and subsidiaries to manage safety and health risks. In cooperation with the SHE Part, business divisions and project safety management personnel contribute to the prevention and mitigation of workplace safety and health risks by implementing safety and health activities, inspections, and training in alignment with group-wide SHE policies and targets.

SK D&D utilizes KPIs and a reward system to manage its safety and health performance. To strengthen CSO’s role in safety and health management, we have included the following safety and health management goals in the CSO’s KPIs: achieving zero serious accidents, enhancing the role of safety supervision, establishing a workplace status monitoring system, and supporting the development of safety and health systems at subsidiaries. By linking CSOs' compensation and incentives to the achievement of these goals, we strive to effectively implement safety and health management, prevent risks and accidents, and create a safe working environment.

SHE Management Organization and Decision-Making Structure

Safety and Health Management Meetings

CategoryDetails/ResultsFrequencyMeetings held (2023)
Board of DirectorsReview and approval of annual safety and health performance and promotion plansAnnually2
SHE regular meetingsAnalysis of site inspection results and sharing of improvement casesMonthly12
Subsidiary SHE regular meetingsAnalysis of subsidiary on-site inspection results and sharing of improvement casesMonthly12
SHE business divisions meetingsSHE meetings by business division (Sharing review of business status and establishment of safety measures)Monthly12
Safety supervision video conferencesDiscussing/sharing of safety performance and critical risk mitigation initiatives at contractor sitesMonthly12

Safety and Health Risk Management

Safety and Health Risks Assessment and Improvement

SK D&D manages potential safety risks at all rental housing sites it develops and operates as a project owner. We conduct regular inspections focusing on fire safety and facilities to assess risks that may occur at the workplace, comprehensively identifying risk potential by integrating various internal and external factors including legal standards, manuals, and organizational culture. Additionally, we establish improvement measures based on risk severity, with management executives directly verifying significant harmful and hazardous factors to devise and implement improvement procedures. Furthermore, to manage potential risks, we conduct monthly or more frequent risk assessments for sites under the project owner's status, establishing risk mitigation measures to eliminate harmful and hazardous factors and implementing the measures aligned with CSO KPIs. Through these efforts, we are committed to enhancing safety inspection activities to maintain accident-free construction sites to the best of our ability.

Safety and Health Risk Management Process

Emergency Response

SK D&D has established various action guidelines to prevent potential accidents at our workplaces. We aim to minimize direct and indirect losses to sites and the company by responding promptly to emergencies, addressing disasters, and preventing human casualties and environmental pollution. Additionally, we have established a workplace emergency response training plan, and conduct training and education at least twice a year to ensure sufficient understanding and preparation for emergencies. The implementation of these activities is reviewed annually by the management executives.

Product and Service Safety - Episode

To minimize health and safety risks for residents of our rental housing (Episode), we collaborate with a professional facilities management (FM) company to conduct regular inspections and manage safety and risks in facilities, electrical installations, fire safety systems, and mechanical equipment. We also have established response procedures for accidents and conduct mock drills to prepare for unforeseen situations and accidents, aiming to minimize damage. Furthermore, we are committed to minimizing customers’ safety and health risks by subscribing to natural disaster insurance.

Occupational Safety and Health Activities

Safety and Health Capacity Building

SK D&D conducts safety and health training to promote and enhance awareness of safety and health management among its employees and business partners. We establish and implement diverse annual training plans aimed at fostering safety consciousness among employees and creating a consensus on safety management. This includes tailored safety and health training for different target groups, as well as health training addressing job stress and disease management.

We operate the Safety Board website to share safety and health improvement goals and related information with employees, contributing to the internalization of safety and health practices. Moreover, we distribute information on safety and health, such as the Safety and Health Manual and the Serious Accidents Punishment Act, to employees in the form of card news to improve accessibility.

2023 Safety and Health Training Performance

TargetTrainingFrequencyParticipants (Persons)Training Time by Persons
All employeesPrevention of musculoskeletal disorders and job stressAnnually (2 hours)All employees (260)2 Hours
LeadersSafety responses for legal and policy changesBiannually (2 hours)(10)4 Hours
SHE associate directorIncident prevention management techniquesQuarterly (2 hours)SHE + SE Part (8)8 Hours
Project site safety supervisionTraining on accident cases and revised laws related safety and healthQuarterly (2 hours)Safety supervisors of project site (8)8 Hours
Project contractorTraining on site hazards and safety measuresQuarterly (2 hours)Contractors (Participants by contractors)8 Hours
Construction projectSite safety management training for equipment, risk assessments, cranes, etc.Monthly (2 hours)Gunwi project personnel and partner companies24 Hours

Supply Chain Safety and Health Management

Supply Chain Safety Management System

SK D&D became the first in its industry to introduce a safety supervision system, deploying a total of 8 safety supervisors in 2023. Additionally, we have improved the project contract process to apply criteria for selecting qualified contractors and implement disaster prevention technical guidance, thereby proactively managing safety and health throughout the entire project lifecycle of 'planning-design-construction.' Furthermore, we conduct quarterly evaluations of contractors' safety capabilities to identify hazardous risk factors. For sites with inadequate safety management levels, corrective actions are promptly shared with the workplace for immediate improvement. Key safety inspection results are actively incorporated into future inspection plans to ensure the development of safe spaces and service provision, thus strengthening the safety management system of our supply chain. In 2023, safety assessments identified 457 areas requiring improvement across the ongoing projects with 8 contractors, all of which have been addressed and completed.

*As of December 2023, safety assessments were conducted for 8 ongoing projects under development
Supply Chain Safety Management System

Contractor Evaluation Process

As an advanced developer, SK D&D establishes and applies project management guidelines to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the project developer. At the bidding stage, we apply evaluation criteria based on project scale, assess the ability to prevent serious accidents and implement safety and health activities, and select only contractors that meet the criteria. Accordingly, we are preparing to prevent safety and health risks that may arise during project execution, such as the construction process, and to preemptively prevent industrial accidents on-site.

Contractor Evaluation Criteria by Size

On-site Safety Inspection and Support

SK D&D conducts regular and ad-hoc inspections of on-site safety management levels to enhance its supervisory role in creating a safe workplace environment and preventing serious accidents as a project owner. The SHE Part, responsible organization for safety and health, along with the Chief Safety Officer (CSO), fulfill the project owner's safety obligations by conducting site visits for safety inspections and supervision training. Additionally, they designate third-party experts to provide regular on-site safety consulting to ensure practical safety and health measures.

The safety supervisors deployed at the site conducts regular and ad-hoc safety inspections, including targeted inspections during vulnerable periods, as well as compliance checks according to the Construction Safety and Health Management Regulations. They also perform risk assessments and establish improvement measures of hazardous risk factors. For high-risk tasks, they implement work stoppages and relevant improvement measures systemically to eliminate risks. Besides, they take a proactive role in establishing a safe workplace by directly soliciting the opinions of workers through safety and health consultation bodies, including those for labor-management discussions.

All identified safety risks through site inspections are promptly reviewed at bi-monthly SHE regular meetings to establish and implement improvement plans.

On-site Safety Management Process and Activities
2023 On-Site Inspection Performance
Inspection NamePurposeInspectorTimes (2023)
MBWA*Safety inspection by managementCSO89
Regular inspections by specialized organizationsRegular consultingExternal inspection consulting agency24
All-day inspectionFrequent inspection of hazardous constructionsSHE + SE Part116
Safety supervision integrated inspectionSafety supervision capability improvementSafety supervisors + SK D&D+ contractors4
Special inspection for vulnerable periodsDisaster prevention during vulnerable periods (Thaw, winter, heat wave, monsoon)SHE Part4
  • *MBWA refers to management by walking around, in which executives visit and communicate on-site
Pre-monitoring System for Hazardous Construction Works/Tasks

SHE Award System

SK D&D has established and is implementing SHE reward and disciplinary management guidelines to reward excellence in organizational and individual performance, assign clear responsibilities for SHE standard compliance, and establish a culture of adherence to SHE standards and procedures. This initiative aims to motivate employees and business partners to achieve safety and health performance and establish a culture that complies with SHE standards and procedures.

SHE Award System
2023 SHE Award Performance
Safety Excellence AwardApr. 2023VPP Solution PartEstablish a monitoring safety management system within the workplace and contribute to achieving zero accidents and establishing an SHE culture by adhering to SHE standards and procedures
Excellent Safety Supervision AwardJul. 2023Company HContribute to the prevention of serious accidents through proactive safety supervision during the development of the Chungmuro Office
Excellent Safety Supervision AwardDec. 2023Company JContribute to the prevention of serious accidents through proactive safety supervision during the development of Sinchon Episode 2

Grievance Channels for Supply Chain Safety and Health

SK D&D voluntarily deploys safety supervisors at each site to conduct site safety inspections, oversees improvements for non-conformities, and gathers on-site feedback through safety supervision. Additionally, we operate communication channels to collect field opinions and conduct quarterly safety supervision meetings to address grievances, gather feedback, and share best practices for improvement from each site and partner companies.

Safety and Health Performance

SK D&D manages and publicly discloses the safety and health performance of all employees, including those of SK D&D and its subsidiaries, and has maintained a record of zero occupational accidents for the past three years. Moving beyond consistent metric management, we are committed to further enhancing safety management across all sites and facilities.

Occupational Safety and Health Incidents

EmployeesLost Time Incidents (LTI)Cases000
Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR)*Cases/200,000 hours000
Fatality rate%000
Total Recordable Injuries (TRI)Cases000
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)**Cases/200,000 hours000
  • *LTIR(Lost Time Incident Rate): (LTI cases x 200,000) / Total hours worked
  • **TRIR(Total Recordable Injury Rate): (TRI cases x 200,000) / Total hours worked