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Talent Management

Employee Happiness Culture

Happiness Management Program

SK D&D operates various happiness management programs to foster close relationships among employees and cultivate a positive organizational culture. To develop our unique organizational culture, we are implementing the ABCD (A Better Company D&D) project, which supports communication, training, and work innovation across all employees. We conduct an annual 'Happiness Survey' among all employees to evaluate the effectiveness of our happiness management programs. Feedback gathered from the survey is actively incorporated into our organizational culture direction and activity planning. In addition, we encourage organizational communication activities such as ABCD Open Talk, Networking Day, and internal social club activities to facilitate smooth communication between the CEO and employees, thereby enhancing employees' sense of belonging and happiness within the organization.

2023 Happiness Management Program

ABCD ProjectProject supporting communication, training, and work innovation to build a unique organizational cultureAll employeesYear-round-
Happiness SurveyEmployee awareness survey to derive directions for improving the organizational cultureAll employeesAnnually-
ABCD Open TalkA place for communication to share opinions on various topics related to company life based on employees’ horizontal atmosphereAll employeesMonthlyImplemented initially in Jan 2024
Networking DayNetworking event for all members to improve communication, and activate hobby club activitiesAll employeesAnnually-
Club ActivitiesCommunication program to reinforce empathy within the organization and share hobbies among membersAll employeesYear-round7 clubs in operation

High-Performance Organizational Culture

High-Performance Organization

SK D&D is developing a 'high-performance organization' culture that enables employees to grow and perform through enjoyable immersion. By innovatively improving our way of working in three areas—Leadership, System, and Program—and creating an immersive environment that fosters a clear sense of purpose, teamwork, and autonomy, we support simultaneous growth for both the company and individuals.

High-Performance Organization Framework

Developing an Immersive Environment

SK D&D is running various smart work programs to create an environment in which employees can be fully immersed in work. In addition to the flexible work system and autonomous seating system, we operate the Smart Work system to improve work efficiency and provide diverse workplaces. The Smart Work system allows employees to work anytime, from anywhere using IT systems, and provides the convenience of remote work from home or Smart Work Centers. By operating Smart Work Centers in high-accessibility areas such as Jongno and Seongsu, we provide an environment conducive to autonomous and flexible work culture where employees can fully immerse themselves in their work.

Immersive Environment Development Program
ProgramsOperational Status
Flexible work systemEnhancing employee work performance and competency through flexible work scheduling, overcoming time and space constraintsImplemented for all employees
Autonomous seating systemCreating a horizontal work atmosphere and improving efficiency through an open seating reservation system in the office
Smart Work systemFostering a creative work environment for immersion through spaces such as Focus RoomTotal 3 Smart Work Centers in operation (Daehak-ro, Gwanhun, Seongsu)
Smart Work Center

Employee Communication Channel

To actively improve the organizational culture, SK D&D convenes the Management Development Council, a consultative body composed of both company executives and employees, as well as All-Hands Meeting where the grievances and opinions of all employees are heard. The Management Development Council comprises three executives and three employee representatives and meets quarterly to discuss the maintenance and improvement of working conditions and other management issues. Decisions and collective agreements reached through the Council are universally applied to all employees. Additionally, the All-Hands Meeting functions as a platform for sharing mid- and long-term corporate strategies and performance, organizational culture, grievances, and improvement suggestions with all employees. Going forward, we will continue to foster an organizational culture of communication and empathy through diverse programs.

2023 Employee Communication Channel Operational Status*

CategoryManagement Development CouncilAll-Hands Meeting
TargetExecutives/employee representatives (3 each)All employees
No. of meetings held4 times a yearOnce a year
Major agenda
  • Share an overview of business plan and performance
  • Negotiate on employment, working conditions, benefits, etc.
  • Resolve grievances
  • Share key business performance and status (including mid- to long-term corporate strategy)
  • Company culture (working environment improvement, employee happiness status, etc.)
  • *Due to the absence of a labor union within SK D&D, we operate the Management Development Council for labor-management consultations

Employee Grievance Handling Results

CategoryCase 1Case 2
Grievance typeCompensation system improvementWork environment improvement
Handling approachDiscussing transparently the performance appraisal and compensation system between management and employee representatives, sharing employee opinions on other reward systems, and reviewing their acceptanceDiscussing office environment improvement, reviewing improvement directions for ongoing discussions, establishing/sharing policies for family-friendly work environment
Implementation statusCompletedCompleted

Scope of Collective Agreement Application

Application rate%100100100

Work-Life Balance

Employee Welfare Benefits

SK D&D supports various welfare programs that promote work-life balance to enhance employee happiness. The key welfare programs include integrated welfare benefits, bereavement/scholarship support, rewards for long-term employees, and coverage for medical check-ups for employees and their families. We aim to expand customized welfare programs by identifying employee needs through a number of different communication channels, including the Management Development Council.

Key Welfare Benefits

Employee Benefits Support Status

Total benefits budgetKRW 1 million5,2685,9535,107
Total amount of expenditureKRW 1 million5,2685,9535,107
Total expenditure rate*%100100100
Benefits expenditure per personKRW 1 million /Persons19.223.0 19.1
  • *Total expenditure rate: (Total amount of expenditure ÷ Total benefits budget) x 100

Maternity Protection System

SK D&D operates a maternity protection program to foster a family-friendly and positive corporate culture that supports a healthy work-life balance. Our maternity protection program provides shortened working hours, adjusted commuting hours, and paid leave for medical check-ups, treatment, and rest throughout the pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting periods. We will continue to strive to reduce the burden of pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare on our employees, and provide them with the necessary support to maintain and develop their careers.

Maternity Protection Program

Prenatal · Postnatal LeavePrenatal and postnatal leave to protect the health of pregnant employees90 days before/after childbirth
Reduction of work hoursReduced work hours to protect the health of employees during pregnancyReduction of 2 hours per day
Adjustment of commute hoursFlexible commute hours for the convenience of pregnant employeesAdjustment of commute hours within working hours
Prenatal checkup leavePaid leave for expectant mother/fetal health checkups Different application according to stage of pregnancy
Parental bereavement leaveLeave to protect the mental and physical health of employees-
Leave for infertility treatmentLeave for infertility treatment, such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilizationAll employees (male/female)

Employee Parental Leave Use Status

Employees who took parental leaveMalePersons003
Employees who returned to work after parental leave*MalePersons000
Employees who returned from parental leave and worked for at least 12 months afterwards**MalePersons000
  • *There has been no employee subject to return to work after parental leave in the past three years
  • **As of 2021, the retention rate of employees who returned to work for over 12 months is 100%, with no employees subject to return thereafter

Talent Attraction and Competency Development

Talent Development System

SK D&D supports employees to develop into 'warm professionals' who can create growth and performance by immersing themselves joyfully with passionate colleagues, based on the direction of nurturing employees through 'Virtuous Cycle for Deep Change and Happiness.' Through a systematic talent development system that provides various work and educational support programs, we seek to nurture individuals who are both 'warm-hearted'—caring for each other with a sense of pride and community—and 'professional'—enjoying the implementation of clear, challenging goals and sharing their experiences.

Warm-Hearted Professionals Framework

Direction and System for Nurturing Employees

Competency Development Training Program

SK Academy

Through SK Academy, SK D&D strives to strengthen the foundation of SK's corporate culture and Happiness Management by disseminating the SKMS (SK Management System) and SK Values to new and experienced hires, new team leaders and executives. In addition, we endeavor to nurture future managers and business professionals by establishing a systematic development pipeline that is tailored to each position.

SK Academy Curriculum
SK Academy Curriculum Content
CurriculumGoals and Content
SKMS / SK Values- Spread SKMS and SK core values to new/experienced employees - Define roles of new team leaders to implement happiness management - Support for SKMS instructor nurturing program
Nurturing future executives- Nurture future executives through a systematic process linked with the SK Leadership Pipeline and Assessment - Provide customized leadership programs by position
  • Executives: ELP(Executive Leadership Program)
  • Team leaders: HLP(HIPO Team Leader Program)
  • Team leaders/members: FLP(Future Leadership Program)
Supporting corporate culture of SK member companies- Support talent nurturing of member companies - Support organization development and change management based on assessment - Operate global HR seminars, HRD Competency programs, etc. 


SK D&D utilizes mySUNI, the SK Group's education platform, to enhance employees' personal competencies. mySUNI offers a variety of courses and programs, allowing employees to freely choose their curriculum and enhancing learning accessibility through an always-on learning environment such as web and mobile platforms. mySUNI also supports employees' work-life balance by allocating time for learning during working hours, promoting a self-directed learning culture within the organization. In addition, we support employees' growth not only by providing content that is directly related to work, such as management, leadership, and innovation, but also by covering various fields like social value and green/eco-friendly topics.

mySUNI Programs

External Training

In addition to the common training required to strengthen work competencies, SK D&D has established and operates an external training curriculum that reflects the diverse training needs of employees. Due to the high demand for specialized fields that require in-depth learning, such as foreign languages and finance, we provide relevant training and regularly assess employees’ learning needs to expand the scope of our educational support.

Major Competency Development Training Program
CategorySK AcademymySUNIExternal Training
FrequencyAt least once a yearongoingat least once a year (as needed)
TargetMandatory training attendees (leaders, new/experienced hires, etc.)All employees (voluntary)All employees (voluntary)
Key contentDissemination of SK Group's management policies and values, and comprehensive support for leaders and employees’ competenciesOperation of over 1,900 curriculum covering management philosophy, basic competencies, future business, and moreProvision of customized educational content for employees (e.g., foreign languages, finance)
Employee Competency Enhancement Training Performance
Total training expensesKRW 1 million703663826
Training expenses per personKRW 1 million /Persons2.62.63.1
Total training hoursHours21,16511,50810,380
Training hours per personHours/Persons77.244.438.7
Training hours by program*Job competencyHours15,6587,7118,412
Compliance, ethics, human rights, and anti-corruptionHours2,0132,002718
Health and safetyHours1,121759518
Fair transactionHours33958259
Information securityHours548228231
  • *Based on training hours completed through mySUNI

Talent Recruitment and Retention

SK D&D carries out competency-driven recruitment grounded in fair and equal opportunities. Through the SKCT (SK Competency Test)*, we objectively verify the comprehensive competencies that SK employees should possess. To ensure fair opportunities during the recruitment process, we formalize internal regulations prohibiting discrimination based on gender, age, social status, region of origin, school, marital status, pregnancy, and medical history. In addition, we strive to implement fair and transparent recruitment policies, by prioritizing socially vulnerable groups, including individuals with disabilities and low-income backgrounds when screening recruitment documents, and utilizing internal assessments to improve our recruitment efficiency.

*SKCT(SK Competency Test): A test measuring critical thinking, situational judgment, and work personality.

Furthermore, SK D&D operates an internal referral system to expand the pool of external talent, aiming to recruit top talent and improve organizational performance. We also operate a buddy program that provides one-on-one support to new employees, helping them adapt to the new work environment. This program supports new employees in assimilating smoothly into SK D&D's organizational culture and work environment through interactions with their buddies.

New Recruitment Status

By genderMalePersons625443
By ageUnder 30Persons321710
30-under 50Persons526852
Above 50Persons334

Turnover Status

By genderMalePersons575147
By ageUnder 30Persons1187
30-under 50Persons606152
Above 50Persons765
No. of voluntary turnover*Persons426437
Turnover rate**%15.324.713.8
  • *Voluntary turnover: Total turnover excluding involuntary turnover (Scope of involuntary turnover workers: transfer to SK affiliates, expiration of contract, etc.)
  • **Turnover rate: (No. of voluntary turnover ÷ all employees) x 100

SK D&D Employees Status

Total employeesPersons274259268
By genderMalePersons201188188
By age*Under 30Persons--28
30-under 50Persons--224
Above 50Persons--16
By employment typeFull-timeMalePersons193183180
By position***Unregistered executivesMalePersons7107
Diversity and inclusionPercentage of female workers%0.4-0.7
Workers with disabilitiesPersons756
Percentage of workers with disabilities%
Employment target for people with disabilities%
Socially vulnerable group****Persons1197
  • *Employee status by age is being managed from 2023 onwards
  • **Part-time employees include contract, daily, and dispatched workers
  • ***Non-executive members are listed according to the SK D&D rank hierarchy in descending order of seniority (G3 > G2 > G1) / Managers include executives and G3
  • ****Socially vulnerable groups include people with disabilities and persons of national merit

2023 SK D&D’s Subsidiaries Employee Status

Total employeesPersons46109
By genderMalePersons2845
By employment typeFull-timeMalePersons2839

Employee Diversity Target*

Achievement RateTargetAchievementTarget
  • *The 2023 target and achievement include both the surviving and new entities after the spin-off, while the 2024 target is set by the surviving entity (SK D&D)

Performance Appraisal and Compensation

SK D&D operates an objective performance evaluation system to encourage the development and growth of employees’ competencies and to build a competency-based, performance-driven culture. We set annual performance goals for employees and actively support their goal achievement through year-round competency assessments, staged reviews and interviews as part of our performance management process. Based on a fair performance evaluation process, we provide compensation and promotion opportunities aligned with employees' performance. Looking ahead, we plan to further expand not only monetary rewards but also various non-monetary incentives to enhance motivation and job satisfaction among our employees.

Employee Performance Management Process

Employee Performance Evaluation Status

By positionExecutive%77.891.7100
By genderMale%9193.691.7

Employee Wage by gender

Average wage by genderMaleKRW 1 million92119124
FemaleKRW 1 million596775
Female to male wage ratio*%64.156.360.5
  • *Female to male wage ratio = (Average monthly salary of women ÷ average monthly salary of men) x 100