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Win-Win Growth

Win-Win Growth Management Framework

Win-Win Growth Management Strategy

SK D&D has established and operates a win-win growth management system to strengthen mutual growth and win-win cooperation with its business partners. The Planning Management Part, as the lead organization, oversees and manages the entire supply chain encompassing the business value chain, striving to build a sustainable supply chain through collaboration with operational and specialized departments based on procurement types. We also strengthen partnerships with our business partners through a transparent and fair transaction system, and operates programs that are focused on improving and supporting ESG management among partners to enhance the global competitiveness of excellent business partners. Moving forward, we aim to expand our business partners support programs to seek long-term win-win partnerships and create synergies for sustainable future growth.

SK D&D Win-Win Growth Management Framework

SK D&D Procurement Management System

Supplier Code of Conduct

SK D&D has established and publicly disclosed its ‘Supplier (Business Partner) Code of Conduct’ to manage a sustainable supply chain and build an ecosystem that fosters win-win cooperation. The Code includes compliance guidelines for various categories such as environmental, safety and health, business ethics, human rights, labor, and management systems, enabling business partners to internalize and implement ESG management while adhering to laws and regulations applicable to their business activities.

SK D&D requires all new and existing business partners to affirm that they will comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct upon contract signing. We assess their compliance status item by item to pursue win-win growth, encouraging them to develop alongside SK D&D as socially responsible companies. Furthermore, to strengthen ongoing partnerships with outstanding suppliers and foster healthy relationships while identifying unqualified suppliers, we evaluate partners not only on their compliance with contractual obligations but also on their ethical conduct.

Supplier Code of Conduct Monitoring

Business Partner Support Program

Business Partner Communication Channel

SK D&D operates various communication channels to secure its win-win management framework with business partners. We enhance accessibility through channels such as phone, fax, email, and online reporting, enabling us to receive grievances and complaints anonymously or under real names. Upon receipt, cases are promptly forwarded to specialized departments based on their severity and impact for swift resolution. In addition, we actively seek the input of on-site business partners through safety supervisors stationed at construction sites. When unethical acts are reported, the Ethical Management Department reviews and handles the reports to protect the identity of reporters.

2023 BP Communication Channel Performance
Case reportedCases1
Case resolvedCases1
Resolution rate%100
Reporting Concerns for BP

Sustainable Procurement

Business Partner Selection Process

SK D&D evaluates the social responsibility performance of its business partners, incorporating ESG-related factors (such as ethical behavior and violations related to industrial safety and health), as part of its criteria for selecting and managing partners. Accordingly, all new and existing business partners contracting with SK D&D are required to meet our social impact assessment standards, thereby striving together to establish a cooperative framework for sustainable management and mutual development.

SK D&D's Business Partners

No. of business partnersunit184127115
Purchase scaleKRW 100 million2,2542,9832,396

Fair Procurement and Contracting Process

SK D&D separates and operates the procurement and private contracting processes to ensure fair and transparent contracting. In the procurement process, roles are strictly distinct between the procurement request department, which handles ordering, bidding, and contracting stages, and the procurement management department, which reviews actual quotations and finalizes contracts. This ensures fairness in procurement decision-making and rigorous compliance management.

To address vulnerabilities in transaction processes, the Planning Management Part reviews the private contract screening documents. These documents are subsequently assessed and finalized by the Internal Screening Committee, which consists of the chairperson, standing members and non-standing members, all designated by the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO). The committee evaluates appropriateness of contractor selection and pricing, reflecting these outcomes in procurement contracts. Moving forward, we will continue to establish a fair transaction order by defining clear criteria and procedures, aiming to build a cooperative system of mutual growth with our business partners.

Procurement Process

Private Contract Process