Protection of Shareholder Rights
We strive to ensure shareholder participation and expression of opinion in the general shareholders’ meeting. The details for the general meeting of shareholders – date, venue and agenda among others – is disclosed on the electronic disclosure system (DART), on the Financial Supervisory Service and on our corporate website. Notice is given two weeks prior to the meeting, and we ensure that the date of such meetings is equally distributed among the company and other group affiliates to encourage the attendance of ordinary shareholders. We have adopted the electronic voting system from the 17th regular shareholders’ meeting in 2021 in order to improve proxy voting rights, and the Articles of Incorporation allows voting rights to be exercised by proxy. The electronic voting system also includes notices and announcements on convocation of general shareholders’ meeting, which is sent to all shareholders.
The 19th Annual General Meeting of Stockholders, held on March 27, 2023, was attended by 17,391,900 shares (78.38%), and two resolutions were approved as originally proposed.