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Stakeholder-friendly Management

Stakeholder-friendly Management

Protection of Shareholder Rights

We strive to ensure shareholder participation and expression of opinion in the general shareholders’ meeting. The details for the general meeting of shareholders – date, venue and agenda among others – is disclosed on the electronic disclosure system (DART), on the Financial Supervisory Service and on our corporate website. Notice is given two weeks prior to the meeting, and we ensure that the date of such meetings is equally distributed among the company and other group affiliates to encourage the attendance of ordinary shareholders. We have adopted the electronic voting system from the 17th regular shareholders’ meeting in 2021 in order to improve proxy voting rights, and the Articles of Incorporation allows voting rights to be exercised by proxy. The electronic voting system also includes notices and announcements on convocation of general shareholders’ meeting, which is sent to all shareholders.

The 19th Annual General Meeting of Stockholders, held on March 27, 2023, was attended by 17,391,900 shares (78.38%), and two resolutions were approved as originally proposed.

Results of the 19th Annual General Meeting

Results of the 19th Annual General MeetingThe results of the 19th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on March 27, 2023 are presented by dividing them into agendas, categories of resolutions, purpose of the meeting, whether or not they are approved, total number of issued shares with voting rights, number of shares exercising voting rights, and the number of shares such as votes for and against/abstentions.
Nineteenth annual general meeting (Mar. 27th, 2023)
AgendaResolutionObjectivesVerdictTotal number of outstanding shares with voting rights(①)*① Number of shares with multiple voting rights(A)**Approved(B) (%)***
Opposed/Abstained(C) (%)****
Agenda No. 1OrdinaryApproval of the financial statements (including the statement of retained earnings) and consolidated financial statements for the 19th period (’22.01.01~’22.12.31)Passed22,189,52417,391,89817,317,658 (99.57%)
74,240 (0.43%)
Agenda No. 2OrdinaryApproval of directors’ remuneration limitPassed22,189,52417,391,89817,337,052 (99.68%)
54,846 (0.32%)
  • * For the proposals to appoint auditors and audit committee members, the number of shares excludes shares with restricted voting rights ** Number of shares (A) = Number of shares (B) + Number of shares (C) *** Percentage of Shares Voted in Favor (%) = (B/A) x 100 **** Percentage of shares opposed and abstained (%) = (C/A) x 100

Expanding Disclosures and Ensuring Their Accessibility

We provide information to our stakeholders in a diverse and transparent manner through our website. We disclose financial data, disclosures available on DART, the electronic disclosure system, the general meeting of shareholders, and the appointment of external auditors on our website. All shareholders have equal access to corporate information that may impact corporate value, in addition to regular notices. We strive to ensure completeness, fairness, and timeliness of disclosure information by enacting disclosure information management regulations including disclosure control activities and operations, assessment and management of disclosure risks, and monitoring.

Voluntary Disclosures and IR Events

Voluntary Disclosures and IR EventsFrom 2020 to 2022, the number of voluntary disclosures and corporate briefings of SK D&D is presented. In the case of corporate briefings, it is held at least twice a month for non-disclosed analysts and domestic and foreign institutional investors.
Voluntary disclosuresNo. of cases3-5
IR eventsNo. of cases134
  • * IR events are held at least twice a month for analysis and institutional investors IR events are held at least twice a month for analysis and domestic and foreign institutional investors in addition to disclosures

Dividend Policy

To return our profits to shareholders and distribute such profits through monetary means and shares among others, we have stipulated relevant matters in our Articles of Incorporation and expanded our dividend policy. Matters concerning our dividend policy and dividend payments are transparently disclosed through our regular reports (business reports, quarterly reports) and the final decision are made at the general meeting of shareholders. Dividend payments are then made in one month following the final decision. In particular, dividends are paid out twice a year from 2022 through the implementation of interim dividends, further strengthening the policy striving for shareholder-friendly management.

Major Dividend Policies

Dividend Data

Dividend DataDividends from 2020 to 2022 are divided into common stock, preferred stock, cash dividend ratio (on a consolidated basis), and total amount of dividends.
Common sharesNo. of shares1,000 shares18,99022,19022,190
Dividend per shareKRW600800800
Cash dividend yield%
Preferred sharesNo. of shares1,000 shares5,2002,0002,000
Dividend per shareKRW1,0221,0221,022
Cash dividend payout ratio (consolidated basis)%25.414.925.9
Total dividendsKRW million16,70819,79619,796

Enactment of Corporate Governance Charter

The Corporate Governance Charter was announced in 2022 to enhance shareholder rights and reinforce the responsibilities of the board and oversight bodies in order to establish sound corporate governance and expand the provision of governance information. We will emphasize the roles of the board and expand the scope of communication between shareholders and stakeholders to overall ESG management by enacting the Corporate Governance Charter.