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Employee Happiness

SK D&D is striving to create a happier workplace where warm-hearted professionals are able to work happily in immersion based on the management philosophy SKMS and management strategy DBL, aspiring the sustainable happiness of SK Group employees. To this end, we systematically manage and continuously improve various factors for a happier workplace, such as recruitment, talent development, welfare and human rights management, pursuing happiness for our members and stakeholders.

Warn-hearted Professionals

We remain committed to foster an organizational culture where warm-hearted professionals could achieve growth and bring high performance through joyous immersion with the aim of pursuing happiness of its members and stakeholders.

Warm-hearted Professionals Framework

Employee Data

Employee DataThe current status of employees from 2020 to 2022 is presented in terms of diversity, diversity and inclusion by gender, employment type, and position, socially vulnerable groups, and female managers.
Total employeesNo. of persons252274259
By genderMaleNo. of persons192201188
FemaleNo. of persons607371
By employment-typeFull-timeMaleNo. of persons185193183
FemaleNo. of persons516162
Part-time**MaleNo. of persons785
FemaleNo. of persons9129
Diversity by positionUnregistered executivesMaleNo. of persons8710
FemaleNo. of persons11-
G3MaleNo. of persons394141
FemaleNo. of persons11-
G2MaleNo. of persons104106103
FemaleNo. of persons293842
G1MaleNo. of persons414734
FemaleNo. of persons293429
Female managersNo. of persons---
Diversity and inclusionPercentage of disabled workers%2.0%1.8%1.9%
Percentage of female workers%24%27%27%
OthersSocially vulnerable group***No. of persons12119
  • Since there is no labor union within SK D&D, collective agreements do not apply, and the Management Development Council is in operation for consultations between labor and management
  • * Correction due to incorrect entry of the total number of employees in 2020 (March 17, 2023)
  • ** Part time employees: includes fixed-term, daily, and service dispatch workers
  • *** Socially vulnerable group: Including people with disabilities and those of national merit

High Performance Organization

We secure a clear sense of purpose, teamwork, and autonomy among our members through innovating our way of work, building a high-performing organization creating immersive member growth and company performance based on this.

High Performance Organization Framework

Creating a Work Environment for Employee Immersion

We are implementing a variety of work programs to create an immersive environment for our employees by innovating the way they work, promoting growth and performance for our employees. We operate Smart Work Centers in major locations in Seoul to provide the convenient remote work option in addition to the Flexible working hour system and autonomous seating system. These programs contribute to nurturing an autonomous and flexible organizational culture as well as an environment where our employees are able to immerse themselves in work by enjoying work in diverse locations and flexible working hours.

Immersive Environment Creation Programs

Immersive Environment Creation ProgramsWe present the main programs and operation status for the creation of an immersive environment. Key programs include flexible working, autonomous seating, and smart work centers.
Main ProgramOperational Status
(Self designed) Flexible working hoursSelf-designing of one’s own work schedule Overcoming limitations of working time and space, improving employees’ work performance and competencyImplemented for all members
Autonomous seating systemCreating a horizontal work atmosphere and improving efficiency through a system in which employees are able to flexible reserve their seats in the office
Smart Work CenterPromoting creative working environment by providing Focus RoomsOperation of a total of 3 Smart Work Centers (Daehakro, Gwanhun, Seongsu)

Smart Work Center

Organizational Culture

Happiness Management Program

We are carrying out various activities to promote fellowship among our employees as well as create a happier organizational culture. We are striving to enhance the happiness level of our employees by conducting surveys and deriving improvements. In addition, we encourage organizational communication activities such as ‘Happisode (Happy+Episode)’ for seamless communication between the CEO and members, networking day, and in-company clubs, enhancing a sense of belonging and happiness of members.

Happiness Management Program

Happiness Management ProgramWe present major happiness management programs and operational status. Happiness management programs include ABCD Project, Happiness Survey, Happy Sod, Networking Day, and Fellowship.
Major ProgramsOperational Status
ABCD ProjectProject supporting communication, training, and work innovation to build a unique organizational cultureFrequently on company-level
Happiness SurveySurvey deriving directions for improvement of organizational culture through employee awareness surveysAnnually
HappisodeA place for communication to share opinions on various topics related to company life based on employees’ horizontal atmosphereRegularly(by the CEO)
Networking DayNetworking event for all members to improve communication among members and to active hobby club activitiesAnnually
Club ActivitiesCommunication program to reinforce sense of empathy within the organization and share hobbies among members7 certified clubs

Improvement of Organizational Culture by Communication

SK D&D operates communication channels to promote a healthy organizational culture. We listen to the grievances and opinions of our employees and improve them through hosting the AllHands Meeting. Maintenance and improvement of working conditions and other management issues are discussed at quarterly Management Development Council meetings between Management division director and employee representatives. Also, the All-Hands Meeting serves as an opportunity to share our organizational culture, business vision and strategy, grievances and requests for improvement with all members. We will continue to operate various programs to promote an organizational culture with smooth communication.

ABCD Project

Work-Life Balance

Employee Welfare Benefits

We provide welfare programs to improve the quality of life and work-life balance for our employees. Our welfare programs include integrated welfare benefits, support for family events, tuition support, and rewards for long-term employees. Our Management Development Council serves to continuously manage and improve our welfare benefits programs in line with employee needs.

Welfare Benefits

Welfare Benefits Expenditures Status

Employee Health Promotion Program

We provide a variety of health management programs such as regular health check-ups for employees and their families, and operation and support of in-house dental clinic. Also, we are striving to create an atmosphere where employees can enjoy safety and good health through a job stress prevention program and musculoskeletal disorder (VDT) prevention training focused on office-oriented work.

Maternity Protection System

We operate a maternity protection system to create a flexible and family-friendly working environment and to protect pregnant employees and their unborn babies. Prenatal and postnatal leaves are provided to mothers to prepare for childbirth and recover after childbirth, working hours during pregnancy time are reduced, commuting time is adjusted, and prenatal checkup leaves are provided. We prioritize the health of our employees and their unborn children through the operation of the maternity protection system, helping our employees maintain a balance between work and family life.

Maternity Protection Program

Maternity Protection ProgramWe present major programs and standards for maternity care. Major programs include pre- and post-maternity leave, reduced working hours, adjusted commute times, prenatal check-up leave, miscarriage and stillbirth leave, and fertility treatment leave.
Major ProgramsStandard
Prenatal · Postnatal LeavePrenatal and postnatal leaves for the protection and health of pregnant employees90 days before and after childbirth
Reduction of work hoursImplementation of reduced work hours to protect employees during pregnancyReduction of 2 hours per day
Adjustment of commute hoursApplication of flexible commute hours for the convenience of pregnant employeesAdjustment of commute hours within working hours
Prenatal checkup leavePaid leave for the checkup of pregnant women and the fetusesDifferential application according to weeks of pregnancy
Parental bereavement leaveLeave to protect the mental and physical health of employees-
Leave for infertility treatmentLeave for infertility treatment such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilizationAll members (male/female)

Parental Leave

Parental LeaveFrom 2020 to 2022, the number of users on paternity leave, the number of people returning after paternity leave, and the number of employees who have worked for more than 12 months after returning to work are presented.
Category Unit202020212022
Employees who took parental leave (female)No. of persons-11
Employees who returned from parental leave (female)No. of persons1--
Employees who returned from parental leave and worked for at least 12 months afterwards (female)No. of persons11-

Employee Competency Development

Talent Development System

We are striving to create a high-performing organization and support members to become warmhearted professionals. We have established a direction for employee development named ‘a virtuous cycle for Deep Change and happiness’, operating various training channels. We aim to strengthen the competencies of our members as well as prepare for the rapidly changing business environment based on the systematic talent development system.

Direction for Nurturing Employees

Talent Development Performance in 2022

Talent Development Data

Talent Development DataFrom 2020 to 2022, the results of human resource development are presented by dividing them into total education and training costs, per capita education and training costs, total training hours, training hours by program, and training hours per person.
Total training expensesKRW million496703663
Training expenses per personKRW million / person2.02.62.6
Total training hourshours20,88821,16611,508
Training hours by programJob competencyhours20,88821,16611,508
Compliance, ethics, human rights, anti-corruptionhours1,5422,0132,002
Health and safetyhours2511,121759
Fair tradehours2033958
Information securityhours252548228
Training hours per personhours / person82.977.244.4

Virtuous Cycle for Deep Change and Happiness

Competency Strengthening Training Program

SK Academy

The SK disseminates the SKMS (SK Management System) and SK Values to new hires or those without previous work experience, new team leaders and executives to bolder happiness management as SK’s distinctive corporate culture while building a systematic development pipeline for each job level to nurture future CEOs and business experts.

Vision of SK Academy


We leverage SK Group’s training platform mySUNI to help our employees develop and manage their professional capabilities. mySUNI provides a range of educational courses and programs to enable each employee to design a curriculum tailored to their needs, enabling self-directed learning that can be pursued during work hours. We are continuously developing training courses for employees to apply learning contents to practice and improve work performance.

mySUNI Programs

External Education

We operate an expanded training system that allows employees to voluntarily apply for training necessary for strengthening job competencies, including foreign languages, business, and finance.

Recruitment and Compensation

Recruitment Policy

We recruit talent by focusing on competency based on fair and equal opportunities. SKCT1) is utilized in recruitment to objectively verify the comprehensive competencies the employees of SK must have in recruitment. Internal regulations have been stipulated to prohibit discrimination based on gender, age, social status, region of origin, school, marriage, pregnancy, and medical history in order to provide fair opportunities in the recruitment process. Furthermore, we strive for fair and transparent recruitment by giving preferential treatment to the socially vulnerable, such as the disabled and the low-income class, and aim to raise recruitment efficiency through self-evaluation.

* SKCT(SK Competency Test): A test measuring critical thinking, situational judgment, and work personality.

Recruitment and Turnover

Recruitment and TurnoverFrom 2020 to 2022, we are presenting new hires and turnovers of members.
RecruitmentMaleNo. of persons596254
FemaleNo. of persons192534
TurnoverTurnover rate%22.730.329
Voluntary turnover *%14.116.824.7
  • * Scope of involuntary turnover workers: transfer to related companies, expiration of contract, etc.

Securing Talent and Supporting New Hires

We are promoting the recruitment of excellent talent and improvement of organizational performance by operating an in-house recommendation system to expand the external talent pool. Furthermore, we operate a buddy program providing close 1:1 support between new hires and employees for the new hires to adapt to the new work environment. The buddy system helps new members in adapting to the organizational culture and work.

Performance Assessment

We evaluate performance based on objective standards and induce growth by suggesting a direction for competency development in order to build a culture based on competency and centered on performance. In particular, a competency evaluation improving the HR 2.0 Infrastructure was established for self-diagnosis of the areas of recruitment strategy, recruitment process, and work adaptation measurement (pivoting). Appropriate compensation for performance, promotion, and annual salary are provided to members based on a reasonable performance appraisal process. In this process, we plan to motivate employees even further by adding non-monetary compensation systems in addition to monetary compensations in the future.

Performance Assessment Process

Employee Performance Evaluation

Employee Performance EvaluationFrom 2020 to 2022, the proportion of executives and employees who received regular performance evaluations is presented by position and gender.
Proportion of employees receiving regular performance evaluation (By position)Executive%7577.891.7
Proportion of employees receiving regular performance evaluation (By gender)Male%89.69193.6